## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX ($TODAY) ## language english ## codeset 0 ; File: broker.cd ; Project: AmiBroker ; Description: AmiBroker 3.20 catalog description file ; Copyright (C)1999 by Tomasz Janeczko MSG_MAIN_CHART ;Main chart MSG_TOOLBAR ;ToolBar MSG_RSI MSG_ROC MSG_MACD ;MACD MSG_STOCHSLOW ;StochSlow MSG_TURNOVER ;Turnover MSG_ULTIMATE ;Ultimate MSG_OBV MSG_TRIX ;TRIX MSG_RS MSG_CCI MSG_MFI MSG_ACCUMULATION_DISTRIBUTION ;Accumulation/Distribution MSG_CHAIKIN ;Chaikin MSG_NVI MSG_SELECT ;Select MSG_INFORMATION_ABOUT_COMPANY ;Information about company MSG_PREFERENCES ;Preferences MSG_PORTFOLIO_MANAGER ;Portfolio manager MSG_QUOTATIONS_ON ;Quotations on: MSG_RISK_YIELD_MAP ;Risk-yield map MSG_COMMISSION_TABLE ;Commission table MSG_COMPANYS_FINANCES_IN_THOUSANDS ;Company's finances (in thousands) MSG_INSTALL_AREXX_MACROS ;Install ARexx macros MSG_REVIEW ;Review MSG_AUTOMATIC_ANALYSIS ;Automatic analysis MSG_METASTOCK_IMPORTER ;Metastock importer MSG_GURU_COMMENTARY ;Guru Advisor Commentary MSG_MAIN_MARKET ;Main market MSG_SECONDARY_MARKET ;Secondary market MSG_THIRD_MARKET ;Third market MSG_FOURTH_MARKET ;Fourth market MSG_FIFTH_MARKET ;Fifth market MSG_VOLUME_CHART ;Volume chart MSG_TURNOVER_CHART ;Turnover chart MSG_NO_CHART ;No chart MSG_PRICE ;Price MSG_SHORT_TIME_MOVING_AVG ;Short-time moving avg. MSG_MID_TIME_MOVING_AVG ;Mid-time moving avg. MSG_LONG_TIME_MOVING_AVG ;Long-time moving avg. MSG_BOLLINGER_BANDS ;Bollinger bands MSG_VOLUME ;Volume MSG_OSCILLATORS ;Oscillators MSG_OSC_AVERAGES ;Osc. averages MSG_GRID ;Grid MSG_BACKGROUND ;Background MSG_TOOLBAR_HINTS ;Toolbar hints MSG_BAR_CHART_VOLUME ;Bar chart: Volume MSG_MAIN_CHART_SETTINGS ;Main chart settings MSG_OTHER_CHART_SETTINGS ;Other chart settings MSG_COLOR_SETTINGS ;Color settings MSG_MISCELLANEOUS_SETTINGS ;Miscellaneous settings MSG_I_QUARTER ; I. Quarter MSG_II_QUARTER ;II. Quarter MSG_III_QUARTER ;III. Quarter MSG_IV_QUARTER ;IV. Quarter MSG_INTERNATIONAL ;International MSG_POLISH ;Polish MSG_DAILY_STOCK_QUOTES ;Daily stock quotes MSG_DAILY_RETURNS ;Daily returns MSG_WEEKLY_RETURNS ;Weekly returns MSG_MONTHLY_RETURNS ;Monthly returns MSG_QUARTERLY_RETURNS ;Quarterly returns MSG_YEARLY_RETURNS ;Yearly returns MSG_PRICE_EARNINGS_COMPARISION ;Price/Earnings comparision MSG_PRICE_BOOK_VALUE_COMPARISION ;Price/Book Value Comparision MSG_ALL_STOCKS ;all stocks MSG_CURRENT_STOCK ;current stock MSG_ALL_QUOTATIONS ;all quotations MSG_N_LAST_QUOTATIONS ;n last quotations MSG_N_LAST_DAYS ;n last days MSG_FORMULA ;Formula MSG_RESULT ;Result MSG_OTHER_CHARTS ;Other charts MSG_COLORS ;Colors MSG_OTHER_OPTIONS ;Other options MSG_TRADING_RULES_DEFINITION ;Trading rules definition MSG_TICKER ;Ticker MSG_NAME ;Name MSG_FORMAT ;Format MSG_FROM ;From MSG_TO MSG_PROJECT ;Project MSG_ABOUT ;About... MSG_OPEN_WORKSPACE ;Open workspace... MSG_SAVE_WORKSPACE ;Save workspace MSG_DATABASE_STATUS ;Database status MSG_PRINT_CHARTS ;Print charts MSG_QUIT ;Quit MSG_STOCK ;Stock MSG_NEW ;New... MSG_REMOVE ;Remove MSG_SPLIT ;Split... MSG_DIVIDEND ;Dividend MSG_INFORMATION ;Information MSG_COMPANYS_FINANCES ;Company's finances MSG_QUOTATIONS ;Quotations MSG_ASCII_IMPORT ;ASCII Import... MSG_METASTOCK_IMPORT ;Metastock Import... MSG_IMPORT_FROM_KING ;Import from KING... MSG_IMPORT_FROM_TELETEXT ;Import from Teletext... MSG_MANUAL_ENTRY ;Manual entry MSG_VIEW_QUOTATIONS ;View quotations MSG_REMOVE_QUOTATION ;Remove quotation MSG_REMOVE_SESSION ;Remove session MSG_CHARTS ;Charts MSG_ARRANGE ;Arrange MSG_DAILY_CHART ;Daily chart MSG_WEEKLY_CHART ;Weekly chart MSG_MONTHLY_CHART ;Monthly chart MSG_STOCHASTIC_SLOW ;Stochastic Slow MSG_RELATIVE_STRENGTH ;Relative strength MSG_COMMODITY_CHANNEL_INDEX ;Commodity Channel Index MSG_MONEY_FLOW_INDEX ;Money Flow Index MSG_NEGATIVE_VOLUME_INDEX ;Negative Volume Index MSG_CHAIKIN_OSCILLATOR ;Chaikin Oscillator MSG_ANALYSIS ;Analysis MSG_AUTO_ANALYSIS ;Auto-Analysis MSG_LOAD_TRADING_RULES ;Load trading rules... MSG_SAVE_TRADING_RULES ;Save trading rules... MSG_GURU_COMMENTARY_1 ;Guru Commentary... MSG_DAILY_RETURN_RATIO ;Daily return ratio MSG_WEEKLY_RETURN_RATIO ;Weekly return ratio MSG_MONTHLY_RETURN_RATIO ;Monthly return ratio MSG_QUARTERLY_RETURN_RATIO ;Quarterly return ratio MSG_YEARLY_RETURN_RATIO ;Yearly return ratio MSG_P_E_COMPARISION ;P/E comparision MSG_P_BV_COMPARISION ;P/BV comparision MSG_PORTFOLIO ;Portfolio MSG_ACCOUNT_MANAGER ;Account manager MSG_INCOME_TAX ;Income tax MSG_ADD_STOCK ;Add stock MSG_REMOVE_STOCK ;Remove stock MSG_PRINT ;Print MSG_EXPORT_ASCII ;Export ASCII MSG_MISCELLANOUS ;Miscellanous MSG_PALETTE ;Palette MSG_SCREEN_MODE ;Screen mode MSG_SNAPSHOT_WINDOWS ;Snapshot windows MSG_SELECT_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE ;Select default workspace... MSG_SAVE ;Save MSG_AREXX ;ARexx MSG_INSTALL_AREXX_MACROS_1 ;Install ARexx macros MSG_HELP ;Help MSG_CONTENTS ;Contents MSG_INDEX ;Index MSG_WHATS_NEW_IN ;What's new in 3.2 ? MSG_HOW_TO_REGISTER ;How to register? MSG_REGISTRATION_FORM ;Registration form MSG_AREXX_QUICK_REF ;ARexx Quick-Ref. MSG_SHORT_NAME ;Short name MSG_FULL_NAME ;Full name MSG_CODE ;Code MSG_NOMINAL_VALUE ;Nominal value MSG_STOCK_ISSUE ;Stock Issue (ths) MSG_OK MSG_CANCEL ;Cancel MSG_ADDRESS ;Address MSG_BOOK_VALUE_X1000 ;Book value (ths) MSG_CONTINOUS_QUOTATIONS ;Continous quotations MSG_USE MSG_FAT_PRICE_LINE ;Fat price line MSG_MARK_QUOTATIONS ;Mark quotations MSG_LOGARITHMIC_SCALE ;Logarithmic scale MSG_DAY_RANGE ;day range MSG_PERCENT_S MSG_MACD_FAST_AVERAGE ;MACD fast average MSG_MACD_SLOW_AVERAGE ;MACD slow average MSG_MACD_SIGNAL ;MACD signal MSG_ULTIMATE_FAST_AVERAGE ;Ultimate - fast average MSG_ULTIMATE_MED_AVERAGE ;Ultimate - med. average MSG_ULTIMATE_SLOW_AVERAGE ;Ultimate - slow average MSG_VOLUME_MOVING_AVERAGE ;Volume moving average MSG_RS_COMP_BASE ;RS comp. base MSG_CHAIKIN_FAST_AVG ;Chaikin - fast avg. MSG_CHAIKIN_SLOW_AVG ;Chaikin - slow avg. MSG_AUTO_ARRANGE_CHARTS ;Auto-arrange charts MSG_NUMBER_OF_QUOTATIONS_ON_CHART ;Number of quotations on chart MSG_LIMIT_NUMBER_OF_SAVED_QUATATIONS ;Limit number of saved quatations MSG_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SAVED_QUOTATIONS ;Max. number of saved quotations MSG_ENABLE_TOOLBAR_HELP_HINTS ;Enable toolbar help hints MSG_STOCKS_IN_PORTFOLIO ;Stocks in portfolio MSG_VALUE ;Value MSG_PRESENT_VALUE ;Present value MSG_YIELD ;Yield MSG_PERCENT_OF_PORTFOLIO ;% of portfolio MSG_BUY_DATE ;Buy date MSG_QTY MSG_BUY_PRICE ;Buy price MSG_BUY MSG_SELL ;Sell MSG_PAY_IN ;Pay-in MSG_PAY_OUT ;Pay-out MSG_TOTAL_STOCK_VALUE ;Total stock value MSG_CASH ;Cash MSG_TOTAL ;Total MSG_OF_PORTFOLIO ;of portfolio MSG_REAL_YIELD ;Real yield MSG_STOCK_NAME ;Stock name MSG_PICK ;Pick MSG_CLOSING_PRICE ;Closing price MSG_TURNOVER_X10 ;Turnover x10 MSG_OPENING_PRICE ;Opening price MSG_DAYS_HIGH ;Day's high MSG_DAYS_LOW ;Day's low MSG_VALUE_OF_TRADE ;Value of trade MSG_COMMISSION ;Commission MSG_EPS MSG_P_E MSG_QUARTERS_I ;Quarters I. MSG_INCOME ;Income: MSG_EBT ;EBT: MSG_EAT ;EAT: MSG_II MSG_III ;III. MSG_IV MSG_PRINT_1 ;Print MSG_CLOSE ;Close MSG_DATE ;Date MSG_APPLY_TO ;Apply to MSG_RANGE ;Range MSG_N_EQUAL MSG_SIMULATION ;Simulation MSG_IMPORT ;Import MSG_VIEW ;View MSG_APPLY ;Apply MSG_LOAD ;Load MSG_WIG MSG_CANNOT_QUIT_YET ;Cannot quit yet!\nPlease close vistor windows MSG_CONTINUE ;Continue MSG_AMIBROKER_REQUEST ;AmiBroker Request MSG_USER ;User MSG_REGISTRATION ;Registration MSG_CANT_OPEN_A_SCREEN ;Can't open a screen MSG_CANT_GET_VISUALINFO_OF_PUBLIC_SCREEN ;Can't get VisualInfo of public screen MSG_CANT_OPEN_WINDOW_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ;Can't open window!\nNot eanough memory MSG_THIS_IS_UNREGISTERED_VERSION_OF_AMIBROKER ;This is UNREGISTERED version of AmiBroker!\nWITHOUT data saving function!\nIf you like this program please REGISTER!\nYou'll get full working version and TWO free upgrades\n MSG_PLEASE_SUPPORT_SHAREWARE ;Please support shareware!!! MSG_I_KNOW ;I know! MSG_HAVE_YOU_REGISTER ;Have you register? MSG_UPTO_60LF ;upto %g MSG_60LF_TO_60LF ;%g to %g MSG_ABOVE_60LF ;above %g MSG_60LF_PLUS_62LF_OF_SUM_ABOVE_60LF ;%g + %g% of sum above %g MSG_S__FINANCIAL_DATA_IN_THOUSANDS ;%s - financial data (in thousands) MSG_MAX_PERCENT_MINUS_4LF ;Max: %-.4lf MSG_SPLIT_RATIO_CAN_BE_ENTERED_IN_TWO_WAYS ;Split ratio can be entered in two ways:\n\nAs an expression x -> y which means that\nx stocks before split are converted to y stocks after it\n(so reverse splits 3=2 or 5=1 are also possible);\n\nor as a number wihch represents the product of division y/x,\nfor example: 5 means split 1 to 5 (normal split) MSG_ENTER_SPLIT_RATIO ;Enter split ratio MSG_NOT_ASSIGNED ;-- not assigned -- MSG_ENTER_SESSION_DATE_YY_MM_DD ;Enter session date: YY-MM-DD MSG_QUOTATIONS_ON_S_USE_TAB_TO_ENTER_NEXT ;Quotations on : %s (use >TAB< to enter/next) MSG_DO_YOU_REALLY_WANT_TO_QUIT ;Do you really\nwant to QUIT? MSG_YES ;Yes! MSG_CONFIRM ;Confirm MSG_QUOTATION_DATABASE_HAS_BEEN_CHANGED_SAVE_CHANGES ;Quotation database has been changed\nSave changes? MSG_SAVE_AND_QUIT_CANCEL ;Save & Quit|Quit|Cancel MSG_REQUEST ;Request MSG_ENTER_SPLIT_DATE_YY_MM_DD ;Enter split date: YY-MM-DD MSG_YOU_HAVE_SPLITTED_STOCK_IN_YOUR_PORTFOLIO ;You have splitted stock in your portfolio.\nDo you want to save changes in the portfolio?\n MSG_CAUTION ;Caution! MSG_SPLIT_FUNCTION_HAS_CHANGED_SOME_PORTFOLIO_ENTRIES ;Split function has changed some portfolio entries.\nYou can accept/save them by selecing >OK< in portfolio window\n(>Cancel< will discard the changes) MSG_ENTER_NEW_STOCK_NAME ;Enter new stock name MSG_ARE_YOU_SURE ;Are you sure? MSG_DO_YOU_REALLY_WANT_TO_REMOVE_S_FROM_THE_LIST ;Do you really want to\nremove %s\nfrom the list? MSG_PALETTE_REQUESTER ;Palette requester MSG_SCREEN_MODE_REQUESTER ;Screen mode requester MSG_BUY_S_DATE_S_PRICE_62LF ;Buy %s\nDate: %s\nPrice: %-6.2lf MSG_ENTER_DATE ;Enter date MSG_ENTER_PRICE ;Enter price MSG_YOU_DONT_HAVE_ENOUGH_CASH ;You don't have enough cash! MSG_I_KNOW_1 ;I know MSG_INFO ;Info MSG_NUMBER_OF_SHARES_TO_BUY ;Number of shares to buy MSG_SELL_S_DATE_S_PRICE_62LF ;Sell %s\nDate: %s\nPrice: %6.2lf MSG_NUMBER_OF_SHARES_TO_SELL ;Number of shares to sell MSG_ENTER_DIVIDEND_PER_ONE_SHARE ;Enter dividend per one share MSG_CASH_TO_PAY_IN ;Cash to pay in MSG_CASH_TO_PAY_OUT ;Cash to pay out MSG_WRONG_COMMISSION_TABLE_PLEASE_CORRECT_OR_CANCEL ;Wrong commission table\nPlease correct or cancel MSG_CORRECT_CANCEL ;Correct|Cancel MSG_WARNING ;Warning MSG_DO_YOU_WANT_TO_PRINT_THIS_TABLE ;Do you really want to\nprint this table? MSG_PLEASE_CONFIRM ;Please confirm... MSG_REMOVE_ALL_QUOTATIONS_FROM_EXCHANGE_SESSION_DATED_S ;Remove all quotations\nfrom exchange session\ndated: %s MSG_REMOVE_QUOTATION_OF_S_DATED_S ;Remove quotation of\n%s\ndated: %s MSG_ADD_STOCK_S_WITHOUT_CHANGE_OF_CASH_DATE_S_PRICE_62LF ;Add stock %s\n(without change of cash)\nDate: %s\nPrice: %-6.2lf MSG_ADD_STOCK_1 ;Add stock MSG_NUMBER_OF_SHARES_TO_ADD ;Number of shares to add MSG_REMOVE_S_WITHOUT_CHANGE_OF_CASH ;Remove: %s (without change of cash)? MSG_REMOVE_STOCK_1 ;Remove stock MSG_NUMBER_OF_SHARES_TO_REMOVE ;Number of shares to remove MSG_ENTER_DIVIDEND_INCOME_TAX_PERCENT ;Enter dividend income tax [%] MSG_DO_YOU_REALLY_WANT_TO_PRINT_PORTFOLIO_CONTENTS ;Do you really want to\nprint portfolio contents? MSG_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_STOCKS_D ;Total number of stocks: %d\nprimary market: %d, secondary market: %d\nthird market: %d, fourth: %d, fifth: %d\n\nTotal number of quotations: %d\n\nCurrent stock: %s Number of quotations: %d\n\nTotal database size: %d KB MSG_OK_1 MSG_ENTER_DIVIDEND_DATE_YY_MM_DD ;Enter dividend date: YY-MM-DD MSG_ENTER_DIVIDEND_AMOUNT ;Enter dividend amount MSG_DO_YOU_WANT_TO_CORRECT_THE_QUOTATIONS_PRECEDING_NOT_INCLUDING_THE_DIVIDEND_DATE ;Do you want to correct the quotations preceding\n(not including) the dividend date? MSG_TRIED_TO_FREE_BLOCK_THAT_IS_NOT_EXISTING_IN_THE_MEMARRAY ;Tried to free block that is not existing in the MemArray\n MSG_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED ;Operation not allowed\n MSG_BAD_ARGUMENT ;Bad argument\n MSG_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS ;Too many arguments\n MSG_BAD_ARGS ;Bad args\n MSG_MISSING_ARGUMENTS ;Missing arguments\n MSG_B_EMPTY_B ;{EMPTY} MSG_REGISTERED_USER_S_SERIAL_NUMBER_S ;Registered User:\n%s\nSerial number: %s MSG_IF_YOU_WANT_TO_GET_FULL_WORKING_VERSION_OF_AMIBROKER ;If you want to get full working version of AmiBroker,\nyou should send me proper registration form.\nFor details consult AmiBroker.guide. MSG_HOW_TO_REGISTER_1 ;How to register... MSG_AMIBROKER_REQUIRES_OS_2_04 ;AmiBroker requires OS 2.04+ MSG_UPGRADE ;Upgrade! MSG_I_CANT_OPEN_FONT_HELVETICAPL_11 ;I can't open font:\nHelveticaPL 11 MSG_I_CANT_OPEN_FONT_XENPL_8 ;I can't open font:\nXenPL 8 MSG_I_CANT_FIND_WORKBENCH_SCREEN ;I can't find Workbench screen MSG_I_CANT_OPEN_TITLE_SCREEN ;I can't open title screen MSG_USER_S ;User: %s MSG_UNREGISTERED_VERSION ;UNREGISTERED VERSION MSG_ERROR_MESSAGE ;Error message MSG_COMPILATION_DATE ;compilation date: MSG_TECHNICAL_ANALYSIS_OF_STOCK_TRENDS ;Technical analysis of stock trends MSG_AND_INVESTMENT_MANAGEMENT ;and investment management. MSG_FOR_REGISTRATION_AND_SUPPORT ;For registration & support MSG_CHECK_AMIBROKER_WWW_SITE_AT ;check AmiBroker WWW site at MSG_OR_SEND_AN_EMAIL_TO ;or send an e-mail to MSG_VERSION_S ;Version %s MSG_PUBLIC_SCREEN_S ;Public screen: %s MSG_AREXX_PORT_S ;ARexx port: %s MSG_NONE ;--none-- MSG_ABOUT_AMIBROKER ;About AmiBroker MSG_FAILED_AREXX_COMMAND_S_WARNING_S ;Failed ARexx command: '%s'\nWARNING: %s MSG_FAILED_AREXX_COMMAND_S_ERROR_S ;Failed ARexx command: '%s'\nERROR: %s MSG_INVALID_PARAMETERS ;Invalid parameter(s) MSG_FAILED_AREXX_COMMAND_S_FATAL_ERROR_S ;Failed ARexx command: '%s'\nFATAL ERROR: %s MSG_FAILED_AREXX_SCRIPT_S_RC1_EQUAL_LD_RC2_EQUAL_LD ;Failed ARexx script: '%s'\nRC1 = %ld, RC2 = %ld MSG_NO_SUCH_STOCK ;No such stock MSG_WRONG_PRICES ;Wrong price(s) MSG_STOCK_ALREADY_EXISTS ;Stock already exists MSG_NO_IMPORT_FORMAT_SPECIFIED ;No import format specified MSG_MISSING_SWITCH ;Missing switch MSG_NO_SUCH_QUOTATION ;No such quotation MSG_STOCK_DOES_NOT_EXIST ;Stock does not exist MSG_QUARTER_MUST_BE_BETWEEN_1_TO_4 ;Quarter must be between 1 to 4 MSG_ATTEMPT_TO_UNLOCK_WINDOWS_THAT_ARE_NOT_LOCKED_AT_ALL ;Attempt to unlock windows that are not locked at all MSG_ABORT ;Abort MSG_PLEASE_CONFIRM_PROCEED_WITH_PRINING ;Please confirm:\nProceed with prining? MSG_PRINTER_IS_NOT_CONNECTED_BUSY_OR_OFFLINE ;Printer is not connected, busy or offline MSG_RETRY ;Retry MSG_PRINTER_ERROR ;Printer error! MSG_PRINTER_IS_OUT_OF_PAPER ;Printer is out of paper. MSG_PRINTING ;Printing... MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_CHIP_RAM_AVAILABLE_TO_PRINT_THE_CHARTS ;Not enough CHIP RAM available\nto print the charts. MSG_ERROR ;Error! MSG_ACC_DIST ;Acc./Dist. MSG_IMPORT_1 ;Import... MSG_NO_MASTER_OR_EMASTER_FILE_FOUND_IN_DIRECTORY_S ;No 'MASTER' or 'EMASTER' file found\nin directory '%s'.\nYou should select the directory\nwhere MASTER or EMASTER file is located\nalong with data files Fxx.DAT MSG_I_CANT_OPEN_UTILITY_LIBRARY ;I can't open\nutility.library MSG_I_CANT_OPEN_GRAPHICS_LIBRARY ;I can't open\ngraphics.library MSG_I_CANT_OPEN_LAYERS_LIBRARY ;I can't open\nlayers.library MSG_I_CANT_OPEN_DISKFONT_LIBRARY ;I can't open\ndiskfont.library MSG_I_CANT_OPEN_GADTOOLS_LIBRARY ;I can't open\ngadtools.library MSG_I_CANT_OPEN_REQTOOLS_LIBRARY ;I can't open\nreqtools.library MSG_I_CANT_OPEN_TEXTFIELD_GADGET ;I can't open textfield.gadget MSG_DONT_YOU_EVER_TRY_TO_CHANGE_THE_KEYFILE ;Don't you ever try to change the keyfile MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY_FOR_REQTOOLS_LIBRARY ;Not enough memory for reqtools.library MSG_T_PRICE ;Price MSG_T_VOLUME_TURNOVER ;Volume/Turnover MSG_T_RISK_YIELD_MAP ;Risk/yield map MSG_T_ROC MSG_T_RSI MSG_T_MACD ;MACD MSG_T_OBV MSG_T_STOCHASTIC_SLOW ;Stochastic Slow MSG_T_ULTIMATE ;Ultimate MSG_T_TRIX ;TRIX MSG_T_RELATIVE_STRENGTH ;Relative Strength MSG_T_CCI MSG_T_ASCII_IMPORT ;ASCII import MSG_T_IMPORT_FROM_TELETEXT ;Import from teletext MSG_T_MANUAL_ENTRY ;Manual entry MSG_T_STOCK_INFORMATION ;Stock information MSG_T_ADD_A_NEW_STOCK ;Add a new stock MSG_T_REMOVE_A_STOCK ;Remove a stock MSG_T_SPLIT ;Split MSG_T_FINANCES ;Finances MSG_T_ARRANGE_WINDOWS ;Arrange windows MSG_T_SCREEN_MODE ;Screen mode MSG_T_PALETTE_SETTINGS ;Palette settings MSG_T_PREFERENCES ;Preferences MSG_T_PORTFOLIO_MANAGER ;Portfolio manager MSG_T_REVIEWS ;Reviews MSG_T_QUIT ;Quit MSG_T_SELECT ;Select MSG_T_LINE_DRAW ;Line draw MSG_T_ZOOM_CHART ;Zoom chart MSG_3SPACES_JANUARY ; January MSG_FEBRUARY ;February MSG_MARCH ;March MSG_APRIL ;April MSG_MAY MSG_JUNE ;June MSG_JULY ;July MSG_AUGUST ;August MSG_SEPTEMBER ;September MSG_OCTOBER ;October MSG_NOVEMBER ;November MSG_DECEMBER ;December MSG_BUY_1 MSG_SELL_1 ;sell MSG_S_MACD_NOT_AVAILABLE_TOO_FEW_QUOTATIONS ;%s - MACD not available - too few quotations MSG_S_MACD_DDD_62F_SIGNAL_62F ;%s - MACD (%d,%d,%d) = %6.2f, Signal = %6.2f MSG_S_ROC_NOT_AVAILABLE_TOO_FEW_QUOTATIONS ;%s - ROC not available - too few quotations MSG_S_ROC_D_62F ;%s - ROC (%d) =%6.2f %% MSG_S_RSI_NOT_AVAILABLE_TOO_FEW_QUOTATIONS ;%s - RSI not available - too few quotations MSG_S_RSI_D_62F ;%s - RSI (%d) =%6.2f %% MSG_STOCHASTIC_SLOW_NOT_AVAILABLE_TOO_FEW_QUOTATIONS ;Stochastic Slow not available - too few quotations MSG_S_STOCHASTIC_SLOW_D_K_F_D_F ;%s - Stochastic Slow (%d) %%K=%f, %%D=%f MSG_S_CHART_NOT_AVAILABLE_TOO_FEW_QUOTATIONS ;%s - chart not available - too few quotations MSG_DAILY_S ;daily %s MSG_WEEKLY_S_S ;weekly %s/%s MSG_MONTHLY_5S ;monthly %5s MSG_PRICE_CHART_PRICE_FORMAT_1 ;%s - %s : Close %-.2f, Hi %-.2f, Lo %-.2f, Volume %d MSG_PRICE_CHART_PRICE_FORMAT_2 ;%s - %s : Close %-.2f (%+3.1f %%), Hi %-.2f, Lo %-.2f, Volume %d MSG_PRICE_CHART_PRICE_FORMAT_3 ;%s - %s : Price %-.2f %s, Volume %d, Turnover %d MSG_PRICE_CHART_PRICE_FORMAT_4 ;%s - %s : Price %-.2f %s %d%% (%+3.1f %%), Volume %d, Turnover %d MSG_PRICE_CHART_PRICE_FORMAT_5 ;%s - %s : Price %-.2f %s (%+3.1f %%), Volume %d, Turnover %d MSG_S_BAR_CHART_NOT_AVAILABLE_TOO_FEW_QUOTATIONS ;%s - bar chart not available - too few quotations MSG_S_VOLUME_D_SHARES_CHART_IN_THOUSANDS_OF_SHARES ;%s - Volume %d shares (chart in thousands of shares) MSG_S_VOLUME_D_SHARES_CHART_IN_MILLIONS_OF_SHARES ;%s - Volume %d shares (chart in millions of shares) MSG_S_TURNOVER_D_CHART_IN_THOUSANDS ;%s - Turnover %d (chart in thousands) MSG_TURNOVER_D_CHART_IN_MILLIONS ;Turnover %d (chart in millions) MSG_S_OBV_NOT_AVAILABLE_TOO_FEW_QUOTATIONS ;%s - OBV not available - too few quotations MSG_S_OBV_0F_SHARES ;%s - OBV = %.0f shares MSG_S_OBV_0F_SHARES_CHART_IN_THOUSANDS ;%s - OBV = %.0f shares (chart in thousands) MSG_S_OBV_0F_SHARES_CHART_IN_MILLIONS ;%s - OBV = %.0f shares. (chart in millions) MSG_RISK_AXIS_PERCENT ;R[%] MSG_YIELD_AXIS_PERCENT ;Y[%] MSG_S_ULTIMATE_NOT_AVAILABLE_TOO_FEW_QUOTATIONS ;%s - Ultimate not available - too few quotations MSG_S_ULTIMATE_DDD_62LF ;%s - Ultimate (%d,%d,%d) =%6.2lf %% MSG_S_TRIX_NOT_AVAILABLE_TOO_FEW_QUOTATIONS ;%s - TRIX not available - too few quotations MSG_S_TRIX_D_62F ;%s - TRIX (%d) =%6.2f MSG_S_RS_NOT_AVAILABLE_TOO_FEW_QUOTATIONS ;%s - RS not available - too few quotations MSG_S_S_RS_EQUAL_1_THE_SAME_STOCK ;%s/%s - RS == 1 (the same stock) MSG_S_S_RS_73F ;%s/%s - RS =%7.3f MSG_S_CCI_NOT_AVAILABLE_TOO_FEW_QUOTATIONS ;%s - CCI not available - too few quotations MSG_S_CCI_D_62F ;%s - CCI (%d) =%6.2f %% MSG_S_MFI_NOT_AVAILABLE_TOO_FEW_QUOTATIONS ;%s - MFI not available - too few quotations MSG_S_MFI_D_62F ;%s - MFI (%d) =%6.2f %% MSG_S_ACC_DIST_NOT_AVAILABLE_TOO_FEW_QUOTATIONS ;%s - Accumulation/Distribution not available - too few quotations MSG_S_ACC_DIST_0F_SHARES ;%s - Accumulation/Distribution = %.0f shares MSG_S_ACC_DIST_0F_SHARES_IN_THOUSANDS ;%s - Accumulation/Distribution = %.0f shares (chart in thousands) MSG_S_ACC_DIST_0F_SHARES_IN_MILLIONS ;%s - Accumulation/Distribution = %.0f shares. (chart in millions) MSG_S_CHAIKIN_OSCILLATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE_TOO_FEW_QUOTATIONS ;%s - Chaikin Oscillator not available - too few quotations MSG_S_CHAIKIN_OSCILLATOR_DD_60F_CHART_IN_THOUSANDS ;%s - Chaikin Oscillator (%d,%d) =%6.0f (chart in thousands) MSG_S_NVI_NOT_AVAILABLE_TOO_FEW_QUOTATIONS ;%s - NVI not available - too few quotations MSG_S_NVI_62F ;%s - NVI = %6.2f %% MSG_SELECT_A_FILE ;Select a file MSG_PORTFOLIO_CONTENTS_DATE_S ;*** PORTFOLIO CONTENTS *** DATE: %s\n\n MSG_NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES_D ;Number of entries: %d\n\n MSG_STOCK_NAME_S_PURCHASE_DATE_S ;Stock name : %s\t\tPurchase date:%s\n MSG_QTY_D_PURCHASE_PRICE_62LF ;Qty : %d\nPurchase price:%6.2lf\n MSG_ACTUAL_PRICE_62LF ;Actual price:%6.2lf\n MSG_ACTUAL_VALUE_62LF ;Actual value:%6.2lf\n\n MSG_TOTAL_STOCK_VALUE_62LF ;Total stock value: %6.2lf\n MSG_CASH_62LF ;Cash: %6.2lf\n\n MSG_TOTAL_PORTFOLIO_VALUE_72LF ;Total portfolio value: %7.2lf\n MSG_STOCK_MARKET_ON_S ;Stock market on : %s\n\n MSG_DAILY_RETURNS_ON_S ;Daily returns on : %s\n\n MSG_WEEKLY_RETURNS_ON_S ;Weekly returns on : %s\n\n MSG_MONTHLY_RETURNS_ON_S ;Monthly returns on : %s\n\n MSG_QUARTERLY_RETURNS_ON_S ;Quarterly returns on : %s\n\n MSG_YEARLY_RETURNS_ON_S ;Yearly returns on : %s\n\n MSG_P_E_COMPARISION_TABLE_ON_S ;P/E comparision table on : %s\n\n MSG_P_BV_COMPARISION_TABLE_ON_S ;P/BV comparision table on : %s\n\n MSG_ANALYSIS_RESULTS ;Analysis results:\n\n MSG_SIMULATION_RESULTS ;Simulation results:\n\n MSG_SELECT_FILES_IN_KING_FORMAT ;Select file(s) in KING format... MSG_SELECT_FILES_IN_CTXT_TELETEXT_FORMAT ;Select file(s) in CTXT (teletext) format MSG_SELECT_ASCII_FILES ;Select ASCII file(s) MSG_SELECT_AREXX_SCRIPT ;Select ARexx script MSG_CURRENT_DATABASE_HAS_BEEN_CHANGED_DO_YOU_WANT_TO_SAVE_IT ;Current database has been changed.\n\nDo you want to save it? MSG_YES_1 MSG_SAVE_REQUEST ;Save request MSG_SELECT_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY ;Select workspace directory MSG_SELECT_METASTOCK_DATA_DIRECTORY ;Select Metastock data directory MSG_NAME_PRICE_CHANGE_TURNOVER_X10 ;Name Price Change Turnover (x10 MSG_NAME_CLOSE_HIGH_LOW_VOLUME ;Name Close High Low Volume MSG_NAME_CLOSE_PE_PBV ;Name Close P/E P/BV MSG_NAME_PREV_DAY_CLOSE_CLOSE_DAILY_RETURN ;Name Prev. day Close Close Daily return MSG_NAME_PREV_WEEK_CLOSE_CLOSE_WEEKLY_RETURN ;Name Prev. week Close Close Weekly return MSG_NAME_PREV_MONTH_CLOSE_CLOSE_MONTHLY_RETURN ;Name Prev. month Close Close Monthly return MSG_NAME_PREV_QUART_CLOSE_CLOSE_QUARTERLY_RETURN ;Name Prev. quart. Close Close Quarterly return MSG_NAME_PREV_YEAR_CLOSE_CLOSE_YEARLY_RETURN ;Name Prev. year Close Close Yearly return MSG_CHECKING_FOR_BUY_SIGNALS ;Checking for buy signals... MSG_CHECKING_FOR_SELL_SIGNALS ;Checking for sell signals... MSG_MISSING_BUY_SELL_VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENTS ;Missing buy/sell variable assignments MSG_OK_1_1 MSG_BUY_20S_S ;Buy %-20s %s MSG_SELL_20S_S ;Sell %-20s %s MSG_CHECKING_FOR_BUY_SELL_SIGNALS ;Checking for buy/sell signals... MSG_YES_OHNO ;Yes!|Oh no! MSG_YES_NO ;Yes!|No! MSG_YES_CHANGEDATE_CHANGEPRICE_NO ;Yes!|Change date|Change price|No!!! MSG_YES_CHANGEDATE_NO ;Yes!|Change date|No!!! MSG_SIM_BUY_FORMAT ;%-16s Buy (enter long) %s %8.2lf MSG_SIM_SELL_FORMAT ;%-16s Sell (close long) %s %8.2lf Yield = %6.2lf%% MSG_SIM_SUMMARY_FORMAT ;Trans no.: %d, Avg. yield = %+7.2lf%%, Test portfolio = %8.0lf (%+7.2lf%%) MSG_PRINT_CANCEL ;Print|Cancel MSG_RETRY_CANCEL ;Retry|Cancel MSG_SYNTAX_ERROR ;Syntax error MSG_UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER ;Unknown identifier MSG_CUSTOM ;Custom MSG_INDICATOR_BUILDER ;Indicator Builder... MSG_IB_AUTOMATIC ;Automatic MSG_IB_CUSTOM ;Custom MSG_IB_SCALING ;Scaling MSG_IB_GRID_LINES ;Grid lines MSG_IB_FORMULA ;Formula MSG_IB_INDICATORS ;Indicators MSG_IB_MIN MSG_IB_MAX MSG_IB_LEVEL0 ;Level 0 MSG_IB_PERCENT ;Percent MSG_IB_100 ;+/-100 MSG_IB_20_80 ;+20/80 MSG_IB_30_70 ;+30/70 MSG_IB_50 MSG_IB_10_90 ;+10/90 MSG_IB_MIDDLE ;Middle MSG_IB_LIMITS ;Limits MSG_LOAD_AFL_FORMULA ;Load AFL Formula MSG_SAVE_AFL_FORMULA ;Save AFL Formula MSG_JOIN ;Join MSG_YOU_CAN_NOT_JOIN ;You can not join stocks because it's only one listed! MSG_DELETE_ALL_DRAWINGS ;Delete all trendlines MSG_FAVOURITE ;Favourite MSG_GROUPS ;Groups MSG_MARKETS ;Markets MSG_GROUPS_AND_MARKETS ;Groups and Markets MSG_CAN_NOT_RENAME_STOCK_ALREADY_EXISTS ;Can not rename stock because entered name already exists in the database